Monday, April 18, 2016


On Friday, April 8 I had my appointments with Dr Sood and Dr Veytsman. It was a tough day. I cried more that day than all together since I found out I had hot spots on my lung. All day at the two appointments tears welled up and flowed regularly.
But the support was awesome today. I like my chemo Dr - Veytsman. She is a kind and gentle woman. Had a great talk with my radiation doctor - Sood who I know from the cervical cancer radiation.  Three things that he said stuck in my head the most, "The only reason you haven't quit smoking yet is that you don't have faith that you can." And this statement, "I want to be more than just your doctor, I want to be your friend. If you just need to talk call me." And thirdly, "There are three parts to the team that is going to make you well and we all have equal parts - you, your doctors, and God."

Treatment - Dr Sood said we need to go at this aggressively because it is a fast spreading cancer. So, I will be having 3 weeks of radiation, Monday through Friday, twice a day. He also said that this type of cancer is known to spread to the brain. 50% chance that it is in brain already. MRI of brain scheduled for Wednesday, April 13. Simulation for radiation scheduled for Tuesday, April 12 and receiving my radiation schedule that day.. After chemo and radiation is done I will have several weeks break and then 10 days of radiation on the brain. Dr Sood recommended I start this regimen of supplements to combat loss of white cells and therefore low immune system. He also recommended using a humidifier in my home to help healing of lungs quicker. ANYONE, have one I can borrow for 3 weeks?

Treatment - Dr Veytsman said I will have 4 rounds of chemotherapy. Each round will be 3 days in a row of chemo once a month. Before the chemo starts I will have training session and a port placed under my skin for the needle insertion. 
Both will be done on Monday, April 18. I will also receive my chemo schedule that day. During the 4 months I will have regular ct scans to see progress. I asked Dr Veytsman how this cancer got to this stage so fast. She said it is fast spreading and probably got to this point in a month. I am blessed that I had the cervical cancer and therefore the follow-up pet scan after that treatment. Otherwise it may have been too late. There are no symptoms - I feel fine.

Here is some of the literature I received from Dr Veytsman. First the hand written notes from her explaining my treatment. 

SECOND the Drugs being used:


THIRD, Excerpts from this booklet:


  1. Please let me know what I can do for you. I'm off Wednesday n Thursday so if you need a ride Meg

    1. Thanks Meg. This week I am good on transportation. My daughter is taking me to all treatments Wednesday through Friday.

  2. Please let me know what I can do for you. I'm off Wednesday n Thursday so if you need a ride Meg

  3. Thank you to Traci Hoffman who sent me a text to my cell phone saying she has a humidifier for me to borrow.
